Thursday, February 4, 2010

Win a Date for Valentines Day!

Owen Walsh
Height: 6’3”

Loves going on Adventures, finding treasure, sailing boats, Hiking, fighting Were Bears, Mugging Friends, and drawing pictures.

Future Plans: Plans on going on adventures, sailing a boat across the world to discover new lands and treasures. Also is thinking about starting his own colony in northern Alaska

Skills: Good imagination of the unreal worlds, and mythical creatures.
Very handy around the house, can fix cars, and other utensils around in the house. Good at making camp fires, and setting up the tent. Very strong and can lift heavy things. Also very tough and good at doing manly stuff all the girls love.

Dale Nolan

Height: 5’12”

Enjoys Skateboarding all day everyday, and lots of other similar things to what Owen enjoys doing with Photography included.

Future Plans: Skateboarding, Pictures, Traveling, and no money.

Skills: Creative Imagination, good at looking good. Super soft hair, fun to play with. Creative Spontaneity. Good at decorating around the home. Excellent Cook. If he had a bow he probably would be pretty good with it.
Quad-lingual. High Ollies and Kickflips. Lots of knifing and Killing techniques, able to protect the home from any form of threat.

Please just fill out the questionnaire that you can pick up at the command center and return to the one you love...

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