Day #7 Thursday
Kyle Got the snake finally!
A part of me was really hoping that he was going to get bit. The snake smelt really bad for some reason, so we didn't play with it to long before we released it home.
Back to doing work on campus again.
Finishing up some painting
Making the road nice
Digging a trench: Andrew and Owen and Ukrainian
Apparently Owen dug by himself just as much as Andrew and the Ukrainian combined.
Planning a high ropes course
I'm sanding floors all day again except when I'm taking pictures
Cooking some freshly killed chicken for lunch.
Mana is trying to teach me how to talk to a baby, I guess saying "Hey, what are you up too." isn't normal baby conversation.
They made us a very good meal. They didn't plan on making it for us before we came, but he said after we came and he saw how we worked and interacted he wanted to thank us somehow.
When we finally got our first basket, it was so funny, because everyone went so crazy cheering and yelling.

We had a little bit of free time after lunch. So I walked around exploring for a little bit. They have a green house on top of their kitchen. They grow their own vegetables (that they can) for meals.
We went out to Kyiv to play some basketball games against a girls then a guys team. None of the guys on this trip play basketball...however our goal wasn't to win a game but souls.
The floors in the gym, are really old and chipped paint.
The girls played first.
Kyle seems to be enjoying the game...zzzzz
At half time, the gospel was presented to all the players.
Our girls lost the game buy like 15 points overall they did really good. They had really good conversations with the other team after the game, getting to witness one-on-one with them, sharing emails to stay in contact.
Before the guys game we got to start off with praying. We were told that the team we played wasn't going to be very good. Then later found out that they are the Division B Champions.
Half time show with Matt on the Rope trick Gospel presentation.
All that baskets that we made was pretty much because they let us make them. If they played their hardest we wouldn't have gotten any points. I believe the final score was about 76 - 23. However the gospel was shared and thats what counts.
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